meeting an old friend lead to a first encounter

3:13 pm Tuesday, 1st June, 2021


After I had moved into my new house I noticed a very sexy neighbour, she was about 10 years younger than me, long curly blonde hair, and a body to die for. Once I got to know her husband and her we all became friends. But just friends, BBQs, currys and the odd family party.
She flirted most time we meet but nothing to make me think anything would come of it, the odd flash of cleavage or more thigh than would be expected. But still no progress. Until one new years eve, or so I thought, the bells struck midnight and instead of planting a big kiss on her husband she headed straight for me. And what I kiss it was, no peck a full blooded snog, tongues and a sexy wink at the end then she headed to her husband.
Was this the start of an affair or even a three sum. By this time he was and still is a mate, how could I have an affair with my mates wife. On entering their house after seeing in the new year, she busied herself getting food and drinks for everyone who was there. We hardly had time to speak, other than me clumsily saying I enjoyed the new year kiss, and her whispering into my ear, you were meant to.
Three weeks later she left him with two kids and a massive mortgage, was she just after a get out? She had shacked up with an Asian bloke she worked with of a weekend.
I had missed my chance, thinking it would happen sooner.
A number of years later, our paths crossed again only on social media, we chatted a bit, again some flirting but nothing too encouraging. At this point her new partner the Asian guy she left her husband for, also contacted me. At first I thought he was going to warn me off, hey she cheated on her husband so why not him as well. No he wanted to chat on-line, and we got on very well.
Next thing I know I am chatting to him more than her, she did not know we were chatting! Not sure who did it first but we started to flirt a little, saying what we liked. I said I enjoyed being wanked off, he came straight back to me with by men as well as women?
At this point I admitted I had never had a man touch me, and he admitted to same, but asked if I would like a man touch me.
My mind was racing, heart pounding and cock was the hardest I could ever remember it. Yes I said.The conversation ended.
Had I been suckered, was he just seeing what I was after with his wife. Had I blown it with her as well. I could not think straight.
Two days, two very long days later I got a message from him, he told me he was scared at how our conversation had gone, but excited and wanted to meet.
When where what time, I could not ask him quick enough, both our homes were out of bounds, he worked late shifts at a local superstore and said he had a break about 1am. I told him where I would park and he could come see me in my car. I was still not sure what would happen, had a shower and waited for midnight, what was it about midnight! A bit later I got in my car and drove to the supermarket car park, found the place to park in the dark out of the way. What the hell was I doing here.
Just after 1am a figure left the side of the supermarket and walked quickly to my car, it was him. I had never actual seen him in real life or spoken to him. I was in the back seat, he joined me. Right there right then I knew I wanted him and wanted him bad, I think he felt the same. We said hello and he kissed me with more passion than I have ever been kissed, our hands went straight to each others cocks, grabbing and squeezing them through our trousers. We stopped kissing and just looked at each other, and both undid our trousers and pulled then and our pants down.
He was cut a good 8 inches and hard, mine is uncut and bit smaller, we kissed and our hands crossed each taking hold of each others cocks. It felt odd holding on to his cock and wanking him while he did the same to me. It could not have been more than I few minutes and we where both close to cumming.
He stopped kissing me, smiled and started to give me a blowjob. Oh my god I was only seconds and I exploded into his mouth, he carried on sucking for a moment then sat up and kissed me, he had swallowed most of my cum but I could taste it on his mouth and tongue.
Should I finish him with my hand or was the done thing to suck him off, I did not get a chance to find out, he said he needed to get back to work.
Getting out of the car he pulled his pants up but kept his cock out. He shut the door and wanked right in front to the window cumming all over the window, then disappearing into the night.
I did not know if I was shocked, disappointed or what that I did not get to make him cum, what am I saying a matter of minutes ago I had never even kissed a man now I was thinking about his cum. I liked the taste of my cum on his mouth, so would I like his. Only one way to find out, I pulled my pants up, got out the car, and very tentatively licked his cum that was dribbling down my window, just a taste at first then cleaned it up, even taking a selfie.By the time I had got home he had messaged me, my heart was in my mouth as I opened it, had he just used me? Joy of joy he had loved our quick meet and was asking would I like to meet again.
To be continued

Blog Introduction


Horny bloke who loves BBWs and OTT CDs