Floating in BDSM Subspace: Your Kinky Guide

4:58 pm Monday, 12th February, 2024

Do you love to be in the zone? 😵‍💫 Are you searching for those dizzying heights of pleasure, when you’re just overtaken by desire? 🤤

Today we’re talking about subspace – that light, floaty feeling you get when you’re fully absorbed in your kink scene. 🥵 So take a deep breath and relax your walls as we dive into the deepest recesses of your BDSM trance… 😈👇

Subspace: What does it feel like? 🫦

Like any kind of arousal, subspace is different for everyone, but kinksters often describe it as a happy, euphoric feeling. 😍 You might look like you’re daydreaming, with glazed eyes, in a kind of primal state. You might be giggling, in a deep relaxation – or, as sub Moineau from the podcast Conversations with a Dom put it, “riding with the vibes” in an “altered state of mind”. 🏄

💡 BDSM Tip: Don’t put pressure on yourself to reach subspace in every kink scene. It’s not always gonna happen, and that’s okay. 😘

A tip for Doms: recognizing subspace in your sub can be hard, especially at first, so it’s a good idea to come up with a signal together. 🚦 A squeeze of their hand or just a simple nod both work well. It gets easier the longer you’ve been playing together. 🤤

Safety first 👌

Subspace is a vulnerable place to be. Yet another reason why trust is paramount in BDSM! 🙏🤝

Importantly, while you might feel like you’re in a trance, subspace is not dissociation. You can feel outside yourself, but you shouldn’t feel like you’re stressed or in danger. 🙅

As a reminder: always discuss your limits and boundaries in advance of the kink sesh. When you’re in subspace, you’re not able to consent to new things, because you might not be fully aware of how your body feels. 🤷 So Doms, don’t ask your sub to change their limit whilst inside subspace. ☝️ Have respect for your subs – they chose you to be their Dom, and you should feel lucky and grateful for that. 😁

Still, it’s important to remember that, as long as you trust each other, there’s no reason to say being in subspace is unsafe! 🙌

All about hormones 🩸

The combination of pain and pleasure you experience during a kink scene releases a cocktail of hormones, including endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin, and adrenaline. ⚡ These bring you a rush – people compare it to a deep yoga session, to a runner’s high, or simply to a state of mindfulness. 🧘

When you’re in subspace, and you’ve got those hormones rushing through your bloodstream, you become fully engaged in kink and submit yourself to authentic pleasure. 😩🥰

You’re happy, you’re relaxed, you’re turned on – it’s a great stress reliever. 😍

BDSM Definition – Domspace / Topspace: Like subspace, but for Doms! You’ll feel a sense of powerful connection and concentration, with your senses heightened and zoned in on the needs of your sub. 😈

How do I get there? 😏

The first step to subspace is really wanting it. 🥺 You have to desire submission, and trust your Dom completely. For your consciousness to let go like that, you have to know that your Dom will give you everything you need. 🙏

Everyone’s path to pleasure is unique, so experiment to find what works for you! 😜 Here are some things to try… 👉

🕶️ Using a blindfold.

🔇 Slipping on noise-cancelling headphones.

💥 Bursts of intense sensation, like spanking.

😩 Extreme edging – stop yourself before you reach orgasm, and repeat until you can’t hold it in any longer… 💦

🎭 Role play – full immersion, baby!

🧘 Grounding yourself before a kink sesh with a mindful activity like yoga or meditation.

Aftercare 🥰

BDSM Definition – Subdrop: That low feeling you get a few hours (or days) after a particularly intense kink sesh. 😭

Subspace can feel like you’re on a totally different plane, so coming out of that and facing reality again might be jarring. Your body has been through a lot, and now that the adrenaline is leaving your bloodstream, you’re likely to feel the full effect of the physical toil you’ve put on yourself. 😰

Subdrop means different things for different people – you might feel emotional and weepy, or you might get clingy with your Dom and need lots of reassurance. 🥺

Aftercare is essential for subs and Doms alike – after the intensity of BDSM, you need a safe place to return to your neutral state. 😉 Experiment with different rituals to see which ones might help the most. 😘 Here are some things to try… 👉

❣️ Discussing the scene with your playmate.

🚿 Taking a long bath or shower together.

🤗 Cuddling – particularly after intense emotional kinks like humiliation.

🧊 Cooling stinging skin or bruises.

📱 Being alone, but checking in with your playmate at regular intervals.

🧘 Making plans to do calm things that make you happy – walking, meeting friends, reading a book.

🍫 Replenishing your sugars with chocolate or a sweet beverage.

💆 Rest and massage.

💌 Anything that expresses your love languages.

😴 Sleeping it off!

Hey, you’ll be ready for the next kinky sweat sesh in no time… 😈

Have you experienced the drooling ecstasy of subspace? 🤤 Or maybe you’ve seen that dazed look in the eyes of your sub? 😵‍💫 Tell us all about your transcendently kinky experiences in the comments… 😜👇