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I doubt this will make it past the moderators. I'd be shocked that it's not some creepy old dude sitting in his moms basement.
I'd guess this site like so many others are owned and maintained by the same company, a conglomeration of sorts. I've taken notice to the way the "new image upload" pop-up repeats itself. If you happen to check out a familiar profile it is usually unchanged. 
Additionally "notifications" will show you someone is checking out your profile but when you check to see if they're actually online they are not. 
This seems to be a way to bait your curiosity which I'm sure in most cases prompts the one receiving the notification to pay the outrageous cost for a membership. I've had women put there private contact email in the first line of their massage and I've replied but no response. And this was immediately after receiving the message from them. 
I have been on Hangouts with a couple of "women" but the things they say our how they answer you is very suspicious. Asking questions that they would already know if they actually read your profile. I had one that sent me a current picture. Not only wasn't it the same person, it was the wrong ethnicity in the profile.
If I had to guess I would say that the majority of these profiles are wrote up by the same people and the pictures are from modeling agencies from woman who send in a portfolio. 
However I could be totally wrong about my assessment. But I'm still not paying the egregiously overpriced fee.

Mods must be on holiday!