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Connect With Local BDSM Contacts In Puerto Rico,

If you are seeking a quick BDSM meet in Puerto Rico,, USA you have arrived at the right place! Here you can now search for contacts by region. Connect with kinky singles that are wanting to find BDSM! To make it convenient for you, we list a directory with the most recent contacts where you can view their profile by region - you can view profiles in your area or if you are visiting a new city, you will be able to find a playmate. You will never be bored in Puerto Rico, We hope you have your spank paddle ready, this service lets you find the closest users to you! Prepare yourself to get down and dirty. Here you can view the members profile photo, their bio, age and what kinky sexual preferences get them horny. Find that BDSM relationship you have been lusting for, obey your masters orders or dominate a new slave. Start BDSM dating here. The world of online domination is waiting for you!

Have a look at our free bdsm online gallery featuring horny photos of real singles seeking kinky fun.

Top cities in Puerto Rico,, USA

San Juan Caguas Guaynabo Aguas Buenas

Recent Puerto Rico, contacts

delcorocar174 (45) Straight Female
Busco un soft Dom que tenga paciencia y ansias de enseñar y disciplinar con cariño.
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
masterl313 (57, 56) Straight Male, Straight Female
clean submissive females or submissive couples not afraid, little limits
USA, Puerto Rico,, Guaynabo
Savante787 (24) Straight Male
Me gusta ir a la playa, salir a los rios, caminar por las veredas y salir de noche a bailar. Sexualmente me interesa el juego anal y scenarios de cornudo.
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
imgenuine (72) CD / Trans Straight Male
I am an older male 2 female CD that still maintains a very feminine body. i would love and appreciate a Mistress to help in my transformation. Also to get to know like minded peopl..
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
nicoruwitch (27) Bisexual Female
I want to learn and be properly tied othed than by my own hand. I want to be challenged and worshipped while I surrender control. I can switch roles and I'm okay with having more t..
USA, Puerto Rico,, Guaynabo
aidualcrs (42) Bicurious Female
I am an abdl that needs a Daddy to obey and love and to love me back
USA, Puerto Rico,, Guaynabo
Libre (56) Straight Male
Me que me tomen por el pelo y me pongan a lamer una bien mojada con un bildo.Que golpeen en la cara y me azoten.Me agan hacer adoración de pies.No soy gay pero me gusta que una muj..
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
damaryspa698 (35) Straight Female
I'm Puertorrican, 31 years old, i love reading and learning
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
Lotosub (44) Bisexual Female
Looking for a DominantMaster in Puerto Rico. Preferably 247 relation.
USA, Puerto Rico,, Caguas
Dariel (29) Straight Male
Me Gustan Los Deportes No Bebo Fumo Ocasional mente!!
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
Latino Hut
Latino Hut (49) Gay Male
Ir de playa y cenar. Me gusta el gym y viajar. Soy libre
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
Luis (56) Straight Male
Que me apreten y muerdan las tetillas.Me gusta ser esclavo en la cama y ser dominado.Hacer sexo oral .Fantasía = Que una mujer me penetre.Tengo fetiche con los pies de mi dominador..
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
jahma664 (33) Straight Male
I like women how a complete submissive to my desires
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
jasonflorida1 (50) Straight Male
Handsome dude. Looking for bdsm fun w a sexy lady, ladies or couples. I’m usually dominant but could do sub as well in the right conditions and with the right dom.
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
maninfishn729 (62) Straight Male
I own a few pair of panties, hosiery, etc. I have a 8.5" dildo that will fit into a strap-on belt. I currently stick it on the wall to appease myself, or lay on my side with my c..
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
lcorret072 (43) Straight Male
I am 40 , straight in interests, looking for likeminded woman with whom to enjoy this exotic and erotic aspect of sex that isn't afraid to explore and say what she wants
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
Nodumpling (33) Straight Male
I am looking for a female dominant to serve and please
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
analexplorer1 (54) Straight Male
Willing to push harder than most. My mind can go further than I currently physically can. The right one can bring a lot out
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan
luis662 (28) Straight Male
Looking for a domminatrix who will experiment with me.
USA, Puerto Rico,, Caguas
nejihyug188 (38) Gay Male
I love music and sports , and would like to meet more
USA, Puerto Rico,, San Juan